
Alex Kubodera is a game designer from Tokyo, currently residing in Los Angeles. He graduated from the University of Southern California with a BA in game design, founding an indie studio White Rabbit LLC with Co-Founder Jean Canellas in 2014. They have since shipped Death’s Gambit, Death’s Gambit: Afterlife, and Death’s Gambit: Ashes of Vados on all consoles to critical acclaim and are in the Metacritic top 100 PC games of 2021.


Contact: alex.kubodera@gmail.com



Cam Baity Emmy-winning Game Writer | Fantasy Author

It’s always tricky asking for feedback because you never know where your reader is coming from and how much effort they're willing to devote to your work. When I met Alex in the Narrative Department’s masterclass, I knew right away that he was articulate and perceptive, but it wasn’t until we reviewed each other’s work that I experienced his finely honed intellect. His careful attention and insight bring a degree of sophistication to his notes that is rare. His own writing is like a gemstone - faceted, luminous, and full of clarity - to say nothing of his work as a visual artist. Alex brings so much to his every endeavor. Any developer would be fortunate to benefit from his incisive mind and many talents.